Using the MBTI Step II for Coaching to Identify your Working Style

The MBTI type system assumes that even though we can and do use all preferences as needed, we all have preferences for specific aspects of our personality.  The Step I MBTI assessment enables us to identify our four basic MBTI preferences.

The preferences in MBTI are for either:

  • Extraversion or Introversion as our way of directing and receiving energy
  • Sensing or Intuition as our way of taking in information
  • Thinking or Feeling as our way of deciding and coming to conclusions
  • Judging or Perceiving as our way of approaching the outside world

The Step II assessment helps you explore the next level of type preference by identifying particular facets of the preferences.  An example is how a preference for extraversion or introversion might be expressed across the following facets:

  • Sociability
  • Talkativeness
  • Activity level
  • Communication style
  • Friendship patterns
  • Task focus

This enables you to:

  • Identify your individuality or uniqueness within your type
  • Become clear about how your type preference expresses itself in practice

Uncovering each of the more detailed facets of the type preference provides a richer and more complex understanding of how our preferences are expressed.  This is a great platform from which to build greater self-awareness, develop and improve communication with others and improve leadership and management skills.

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